
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I AM.....

I'm the hand that writes verses
I am mind that transcends senses
I'm reading words that give life to your desires
I am the mischievous smile that looks through your lips.
I am the eyes that know me want to read me
I am the pulse and beat of your heart strong
I am passing blood flow through your veins
I am the desire and love me crazy.
I am your body is concerned and wants to own me
I am body straight in your mouth, full of passion
I am passing your tongue on my belly
I am the invitation to go in and out a thousand times more.
I'm the one looking in each poem
I am the dispute, the erotic and the exotic
I am the magic and fantasy
I'm just that a poetic verse and nothing else.
I'm the most beautiful dream ...!

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